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Raport Nicko McBrain'a - SZTOKHOLM I

: ndz lis 19, 2006 9:56 pm
Nicko: Stockholm


Hotel room Stockholm
Time 3:25pm
November 18th 2006

Well, well, well, it’s a very nice day here today, not too cold. Sun was trying to pop out, but the clouds got the win at the end of the day.
I am having the best time here in Stockholm I can tell you.

I have just got back form a most splendid lunch with my friends Lassa and Eva and me good old china, Sola.
We met at Lassa and Eva’s flat here in the heart of the city. Very nice drum it is too.
We had a very typical Swedish lunch comprising of diced spuds with ham and seasoning, accompanied with a nice nip of snaps and a glass of soda.
We had a blast telling war stories and just talking nonsense for a couple of hours. Lassa and Eva are very dear friends of my families and it was a blessing to be able to spend some time in a nice home away from home. Sola and I are also very close and he is my Frennet Branca drinking buddy. But more on that in a bit.

On Thursday evening we had our dinner engagement with the record label, Thomas Johansson and Tor our promoters here in Scandinavia.
It was an extra surprise having Thomas with us as I thought that he was out of the country. He has been our mate since I first joined the band and a good friend to the band before that as well. He always makes me smile.
I was on me best behavior and had a most wonderful time. I sat next to Osa, the boss of EMI Sweden and we had a really nice chat and a few laughs. The wine of the evening, as chosen by Thomas, was a very, very, nice drop of Châteaux Margaux 78. It was absolutely the bollox I can tell you. A couple of bottles were consumed and every one had a blast. Only problem was that H was feeling a wee bit under the weather so he was not at the dinner, we missed him. Also at the meal were Val Janes our PR manager and Barry Drinkwater and his misses, Barry owns Bravado our merchandising company. We all had a fantastic night. Oh yes just in case you were wondering, I had a nice starter of escargos followed by a wonderful piece of Lemon Sole accompanied by some boiled spuds and asparagus, What a great spot of rubber dub boys and girls. Lovely.

Friday, I awoke at 11am and had me shower. I was meeting me old china Sola for lunch. We went to a beautiful café called Bistro jurl
Great food, and a wonderful ambiance.

I had a nice Lobster bisque follower by spuds and roast chicken.
After our lunch we headed over to a great cloth shop called JLindeburg. I had the pleasure of meeting J at Jesper Parnaviks 40th birthday party a couple of years ago, He’s a great guy. I had an arrangement with them for some golf clobber and it was nice to check out some everyday fashion wear.
I found a great suit and some new shoes and jeans. Had to wait until Saturday to pick them as the trousers needed taken up.
After the visit too JLs, we headed over to the fish market to meet with Lassa and some of his chums. They meet here every Friday at 4pm. This place is amazing it is a hive of activity and there are, as you would expect at a market, lots of different fish stalls selling there wares. We sat at a small tabled area from where we ordered a couple of dozen oysters for the tale. My old chum, Gunner, was there, he used to be the Chairman of the golf club, Ullna, where I met Sola.
We had a blast, the time just flew by.

At around 5pm, I left Sola with the guys and headed back to the hotel for a wee siesta.
Sola met me at 7pm with Lassa and his Grandson Christopher. We hopped a ride with the 3 amigos and were at the show for 7:30pm. Wow, this gig was the bollox I can tell you.
We hit the stage at 8:30pm and we were on ballistic form. I felt that we possibly played our best show to date. The boys were right on top form.
The Swedish audience were as always on top form too. At one point in the evening, just before,’ Out of the Shadows,’ they gave us an ovation that lasted, it seemed, for ever. They showed much love for the mighty Maiden. THANK YOU Sweden.
I always love playing here.

After the show Sola and I headed back to the hotel bar and yes the Frenett Branca came out in force. We had a most splendid time and when I got to me bed I was a little worse for ware.TEEHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, I’m off now.
Stay safe and well.
God bless you all
